Giving hope to those affected
by secondary breast cancer

Research. Support. Education.

SBC & My Treatment

6th November 2022 by Tina Bateman SBC & Me Education

Tina Bateman

SBC & Me


Date of Diagnosis:

December 2019


Current Treatment Line

Abemaciclib, Letrozole and denosumab 


How does secondary breast cancer affect your life?

When I was first diagnosed I was in a lot of pain and could barely walk. So tired all the time and pretty depressed and angry


What advice would you give to someone newly diagnosed?

Don’t Google - talk to professionals, take a day at a time


SBC & My Treatment:


Has your treatment line changed since you completed SBC & Me last year?

I am still on first line treatment


How many changes to treatment have you had?



How are you coping?

Much better than I was. I am determined to make the most out of life. I holiday with my family, spend time with friends and we are looking to buy a second home by the sea which in two years will be our retirement home


Do the side effects affect your life daily? If yes, please explain

The side effects of medicine are the worst part for me. If I go out for dinner I can’t drink and have to have really plain food incase my tummy plays up. I still work 4 days a week but I only go into the office on one as I get so tired. I have fortnightly physio from a cancer specialist which has really helped my pain and I walk every day and do Pilates once a week to help improve my strength


Have you found a routine that works for your everyday life? If yes, please explain

Not really, my life is basically as it always is but I manage the side effects as mentioned above and i space out what I do as doing too many things in a week can exhaust me


Do you feel anything is missed when it comes to living with secondary breast cancer? Medically or Socially

Socially definitely. I have to come home by 10 as I’m always tired, I can’t drink when I’m out because my tummy is terribly sensitive and I have to pick and choose what I can do. I lost my confidence in socialising with groups of friends for a while but slowly I am getting back to things


Have you treated yourself to anything since your diagnosis? If yes, please explain

Yes amazing holidays the best was Safari in Kenya and beach in Mauritius


Has it changed your perspective on life? If yes, please explain

Yes live for now - don’t put off things you want to do. Relish every moment. I am scared I won’t be around for my kids when they grow up but I try not to dwell on it too much