Tea & A Chat Bath
We're delighted to be joining forces with passionate local patient, Carol, to establish a regular monthly, in person, TEA & A CHAT meet up group for secondary breast cancer patients in Bath.
Our support groups give patients the chance to share experiences and advice, and forge new friendships.
Our meetings will take place on the LAST Tuesday of each month,
10.30am - 12.30pm at The Bear Inn, 8 Wellsway, Bath. BA2 4RR
(Free Parking: Bloomfield Avenue – 2 hours, Holloway – 3 hours)
Our next meeting is Tuesday 26th November, 10.30am - 12.30pm.
Thank you to The Bear Inn for providing the venue free of charge for us.
"It’s an understatement to say that being diagnosed with SBC was a massive shock. I felt very much alone and in a unique situation as knew very little about SBC and knew no-one who had experience of the diagnosis. I discovered Make2ndsCount and found a community who felt as I did and offered the support, knowledge and positivity I need. I therefore want to ensure that those going through this ‘rollercoaster’ of a ride in the Bath Area can meet, chat and where possible laugh and enjoy the company of others who understand.
Come join me at this new Tea and Chat group."