Tea & Chat Chelmsford, Essex

We're delighted to be joining forces with passionate local patients, Jacqui Shadrake & Alex Moore, to establish a regular monthly, in personTEA & CHAT meet up group for secondary breast cancer patients in Chelmsford, Essex. 

Our support groups give patients the chance to share experiences and advice, and forge new friendships.  


Our meetings will take place on the SECOND Friday of each month,

10.30am - 12.30pm, within a private area, 
at Six Bells Public House and Restaurant, Main Road, Boreham, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3JE



Thank you to the Six Bells Public House and Restaurant for providing this venue free of charge.







"I am excited to be hosting Essex’s Tea & Chat sessions for Make 2nds Count. 
The charity has done so much for me already, it’s helped me to change my outlook on having Secondary Breast Cancer and also to develop a strong network of friends going through the same life changing diagnosis. I want to help Make 2nds Count reach as many people diagnosed with this disease as possible. Finding other people going through similar experiences has been vital in helping me come to terms with my new normal and comparing notes on treatment, side effects and change in lifestyle has been invaluable"

Jacqui Shadrake, Tea & Chat Chelmsford host


"We are keen to run these support groups after seeing people on Facebook meeting up in their area, we realised there is huge gap in the Essex area. We would like a safe place to talk and support each other through the journey of secondary breast cancer."

Alex Moore, Tea & Chat Chelmsford host