Read the latest blogs from across our work within the secondary breast cancer community. From blogs on fundraising, research findings, information sharing, corporate achievements, community support and stories, celebrate with us as we work together to Make 2nds Count.

End of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign
Every month around 1,000 people die from Secondary Breast Cancer. That's 31 people each day, or one every 45 minutes.

Support Services Highlights
Living with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis is both mentally and physically gruelling for patients and those closest to them. With a focus on quality of life, our support programme helps patients and families affected by this incurable disease by informing, sharing and offering practical advice & support.

Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness part 4
How Make 2nds Count have Helped Me?The final installment of our series. How Make 2nds Count have helped me

Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness part 3
Continuing our series How can we raise more awareness of SBC? Raise Awareness

Walk the Walk's #MenGetBreastCancerToo campaign
We are proud partners and supporters of Walk the Walk's #MenGetBreastCancerToo campaign. Whether you've heard of male breast cancer before or not, it's important that we continue raising vital awareness of this disease and talk about the impact it can have on men too.

Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness part 2
Continuing our series What helped with your diagnosis?

Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Part 1
To help raise awareness of Secondary Breast Cancer, throughout October we asked patients to answer some questions about their diagnosis.Had you heard of SBC before your diagnosis?

Secondary Breast Cancer day
There are an estimated 35,000 people living with Secondary Breast Cancer in the UK. Today is the only day which represents these Men and Women.

The importance of research and trials for Secondary Breast Cancer patients.
This October during Breast Cancer awareness month we want to raise awareness about the importance of research and trials for Secondary Breast Cancer patients. This is more important than ever in the current climate with charities raising less money due to the coronavirus pandemic and of course, understandably, a lot of medical research has been delayed but every second counts for patients with secondary breast cancer We are launching a campaign to support initiatives highlighting the importance of supporting trials and funding research that has the greatest direct patient benefit and quickest impact for patients.