Clinical Trials for Secondary (Metastatic) Breast Cancer

The Clinical Trials Service is a free information and support service, here to help secondary breast cancer patients explore clinical trials as part of their treatment pathway.

Our Clinical Trials Nurse Mel is a specialist oncology nurse with over 20 years experience in secondary breast cancer and clinical trials.

Finding the right information about eligible clinical trials can be challenging. Our team can answer questions about how clinical trials work and how to get involved, no matter where you live in the UK, and conduct a personalised trials database search on your behalf. This is a confidential service and we are happy to support you in discussing trials options with your clinical team if you so wish.

If you are a patient living in the UK with secondary breast cancer and interested in seeking advice about clinical trials, please complete the referral form below and book a slot to speak with our nurse.


Want to understand clinical trials better?  Please look at our new Understanding Clinical Trials booklet.

Our Clincal Trial Service Brochure available to download here

If you have any questions about the Clinical Trial Service, please look at our Frequently Asked Questions.  If your question isn't answered, please get in touch with our team at  

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