Tagged Physiotherapy

Axminster & Lyme Regis Cancer Support
axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.ukAxminster and Lyme Cancer Support aims to provide support for anyone living with and beyond cancer in our community, including relatives and carers, regardless of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We provide information, educational literature and hold meetings around a variety of issues surrounding a cancer diagnosis or specific cancers.
Tagged Physiotherapy
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Birdsong Yoga Physio
birdsongyogaphysio.co.ukBirdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Tagged Physiotherapy
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Bury Physio
buryphysio.co.ukEstablished in 1987, our Chartered Physiotherapists, Sport Massage Therapist and Personal Trainer continue to provide high quality assessments and treatment for a variety of clinical conditions to facilitate your recovery and ensure you know how to prevent re-occurrence of your specific condition.
Tagged Physiotherapy
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