Tagged Exercise

After Breast Cancer Diagnosis Exercise Retreat
abcdiagnosis.co.ukABCD exercise retreats
“Motivation & Exercise through recovery and beyond”
WHEN: Friday – Sunday throughout different months in the year.
Please email jo@abcdiagnosis.co.uk if you are interested.
WHERE: Saddleworth, Near Manchester, England
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

After Breast Cancer Diagnosis Exercise Retreat
Onlne / abcdiagnosis.co.uk
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Support Group

Axminster & Lyme Regis Cancer Support
axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.ukAxminster and Lyme Cancer Support aims to provide support for anyone living with and beyond cancer in our community, including relatives and carers, regardless of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We provide information, educational literature and hold meetings around a variety of issues surrounding a cancer diagnosis or specific cancers.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support aims to provide support for anyone living with and beyond cancer in our community, including relatives and carers, regardless of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. We provide information, educational literature and hold meetings around a variety of issues surrounding a cancer diagnosis or specific cancers.
Befriending Bereavement support Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Dietary therapy Hospital visiting Information
Internet use available Professional counselling Support from Health Professionals
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Hairpieces Physiotherapy Support Group Yoga
Yawl Hill Lane
Mary Kahn on 07512279663 (Mon- Fri 8am -6pm)
Catchment Area
Axminster and Lyme and surrounding villages

Birdsong Yoga Physio
birdsongyogaphysio.co.ukBirdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.
Birdsong Yoga Physio in Edinburgh

Birdsong Yoga Physio
Edinburgh / birdsongyogaphysio.co.uk
Birdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Palliative Care Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Yoga

Birdsong Yoga Physio
Edinburgh / birdsongyogaphysio.co.uk
Birdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Physiotherapy Yoga

Birdsong Yoga Physio
Online / birdsongyogaphysio.co.uk
Birdsong Yoga Physio is a place for people with palliative, long term and incurable illnesses to come to explore movement and reconnect with their breath by working with Yvonne, a physiotherapist and yoga teacher.
Yoga and physiotherapy can improve a number of symptoms that people with these illnesses often suffer from. It can help joint pains and stiffness; muscle weakness; loss of balance; anxiety and breathlessness; and some people feel it can lift their mood and balance their emotions.
There is no expectation or need to be able to be 'superflexible' or 'an amazing gymnast' to come to Birdsong Yoga Physio - it is specifically designed for people with palliative illnesses and a variety of physical abilities and 'If you can breathe, you can do yoga’
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Physiotherapy Yoga

Cambridge Cancer Help Centre
cambridgecancerhelp.orgRecognising the need for mutual support, Marilyn Barnes founded the Centre to give people with cancer and their carers an opportunity to meet, talk and socialise and, if they wished, confide in each other.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Cambridge Cancer Help Centre
Cambridge / cambridgecancerhelp.org
We aim to improve the quality of life for those affected by Cancer. We provide practical, non-medical, emotional and social support with an holistic approach to wellbeing: Mind, Body and Spirit as well as a listening ear to those affected by Cancer and their family, friends and carers.
Our charity offers a range of therapies including Emotional Support, Reflexology, Bowen technique, Bach Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy, as well as support groups for specific types of cancer and activity and social groups, relaxation, yoga and TaiChi sessions. Macmillan courses are held regularly and run by Macmillan volunteers. The Centre has a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. Refreshments are available and served by volunteers. Open to all.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Support Group Yoga
David Rayner Building
120 Cambridge Road
CB22 5JT
Lorna Gough on 01223 840105
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm

Cancer United
cancerunited.org.ukCancer United is a unique cancer support charity based in the United Kingdom for all those whose lives have been affected by a cancer diagnosis.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Cancer United West Sussex
Angmering / cancerunited.org.uk
Cancer United aims are to support all those whose lives have been affected by a cancer diagnosis and to help patients find themselves again. Peer to peer support is very important to group member as is social interaction, laughter and focusing on moving forward. Cancer United has a social committee who organise events and outings and transport is available to those who cannot drive or who don't have transport.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Home visiting Hospital visiting Information Support from Health Professionals
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Millfield House
Station Road
BN16 4HY
Jan Sheward on 01903 779880 Yvonne Curling 07760188175 Becky Maclaran 07908 336955 Julie Honey, Peterlee 07904706132
Catchment Area
West Sussex

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Charitable Trust
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

John Le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre
Ipswich / ipswichhospital.nhs.uk
If you’re affected by cancer The John le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre can offer you support and information to meet your individual needs in a relaxed, comfortable environment within the Ipswich Hospital Oncology department. We offer many support and exercise initiatives as well as complementary therapies, counselling, benefits advice and self-help and support. Call us for more information. We are an all-inclusive service, we have easy access, a hears loop, a translation service and we also have some easy read information. Whatever your needs are we will always do our best to meet them. We offer the following: Listening ear/refreshments; return to work advice and support; new patient information sessions; Health and Wellbeing events, holistic needs assessment; exercise referral scheme, telephone support and on line initiatives.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Woolverstone Wing, East Suffolk and North Essex
NHS Foundation Trust, Ipswich Hospital
Heath Road,
Louise Smith and Julie Finbow on 01473 715748 (there is an answerphone to leave a message if we are busy or out of hours)
Opening Times
Monday-Friday: 9- 4pm

Liverpool Sunflowers
liverpoolsunflowers.comWe provide a range of support services to help individals and families following a diagnosis of cancer, or other life changing illness.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Sunflowers Breast Cancer Support Group
Liverpool / liverpoolsunflowers.com
Services provided include: Carers, Parents of Children or Young Adults with Cancer, Relatives, Young adults affected by cancer, Breast, Befriending, Bereavement Support, Home visiting, Support from Health Professionals, Telephone helpline
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
21 Aigburth Road
L17 4JR
Carol Bell on 0151 726 8934 (During Office Hours)
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Catchment Area

Move Charity
5kyourway.orgMOVE provide practical and online support to people living with and beyond cancer. We focus our services on children and young people living with and beyond cancer and also a wider age range through our new 5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer initiative linked to parkrun.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Harrowgate
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Stray
16 W Park,
Rebecca Ventress, Jo Beagley, Tom Collyer on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bury St Edmunds
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Nowton Park
Bury Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP29 5LU
Liz O' Riordan,Sarah Gooderham,Stephen Williams,Jill Mayhew on 07835966916
liz@oriordan.co.uk or jillybee559@aol.com
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Bury St Edmunds

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Basingstoke
Basingstoke / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
War Memorial Park
Crossborough Hill
RG21 4AG
Alex Conboy on 07767890962
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bedford
Bedford / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Bedford park
Park Avenue,
MK41 7SS
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bristol
Bristol / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Long Ashton Estate, Just outside the courtyard gates
at Ashton Court mansion
BS41 9JN
Tom, Monica and Chris on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Coldham's Common
Cambridgeshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Coldham's Common, Whitehill Road
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Tremofa park run Cardiff
Cardiff / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tremorfa Park
Hind Close,
Pengam Green
CF24 2HF
Tej Quine, Sarah Grady, Tor Collins on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Northwich
Cheshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Cumberland Street Car Park, Carey Park
Leicester Street, Northwich
Jo Quinton, Natalie Todd and Tracy Walsh on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Poolsbrook
Chesterfield Derbyshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The cafe, Poolsbrook Country Park
Pavilion Drive,
Chesterfield Derbyshire
S43 3WL
Wendy Weston, Andy Morris and Tina Hensey on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Corby
Corby / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
West Glebe Recreation Ground
Cottingham Road
NN17 1SZ
Carol McDade on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Coventry

Move Charity
Coventry / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conroy's Cafe, War Memorial Park
Kenilworth Road
Liz Pharoah on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Coventry
Coventry / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conroy's Cafe, War Memorial Park
Kenilworth Road
Liz Pharoah on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Conkers Waterside
Derbyshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Conkers Waterside Centre,
Bath Lane
DE12 6BA
Ainslea Cross, James Cobb and Mark Boast on 07835966916
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Didcot
Didcot / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tennis courts, Ladygrove Park
Bowmont Water, off Avon Way
OX11 7AF
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Harwich
Essex / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Cliff park
CO12 3LJ
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Hampshire

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Lee-on-the-Solent
Hampshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Marine Parade East
PO13 9LB
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Alice Holt Forest
Hampshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Alice Holt Forest, Bucks Horn Oak
GU10 4LS
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Rickmansworth
Hertfordshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Cafe in the Park, Rickmansworth Aquadrome
Frogmoor Lane, Rickmansworth
Juliet Fitzpatrick on 07785726657
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Kent

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Walmer and Deal Seafront
Kent / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Walmer and Deal Seafront, The Beach
Walmer, Deal
CT14 7HJ
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Great Lines
Kent / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Great Lines Heritage Park,
Brompton Road
Maggie Baxter on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Malling
Kent / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Lakes Cafe, Leybourn Lakes Country Park
Malling Road, Larkfield
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Leeds
Leeds / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Duke of Wellington statue,
Woodhouse Moor
Stephen Turrell, Vicki Gilbert and Lynn de Dombal on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Leicester
Leicester / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
War Memorial, Victoria Park
Granville Road
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Lincoln
Lincoln / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Boultham Park
Cath Koutna and Fiona Roche on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Lisburn
Lisburn / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
We Offer: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, Information, Look Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, Transport service, User groups
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Bandstand
Wallace Park
BT27 4AN
Gwyneth Hinds on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9.30 am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Liverpool
Liverpool / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
We Offer: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Table tennis tables, Princes Park
Devonshire Road
L8 3TZ
Myka Heard and Mal Balmer on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in London

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Catford
London / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Mountsfield Park, Stainton Road
Freya Rodger on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

Move More Wandsworth
London / enablelc.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Park Offices, Sports Services
Battersea Park
SW11 4NJ
Beth Brown on 0203 9590031
Catchment Area
Wandsworth, Merton and Sutton.

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Lytham
Lytham / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Lytham Hall
Ballam Road
Stella Wood and Neil Tate on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Manchester (Greater)

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Stretford
Manchester (Greater) / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Longford Park, Longford park stadium
Ryebank Road, Stretford
Manchester (Greater)
M21 9TA
Helen Bacon and Zoe Moss on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Greater Manchester

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bolton
Manchester (Greater) / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Leverhulme Park, Long Lane
Manchester (Greater)
Alex Pegg and Astrid Greenberry on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Marlow
Marlow / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Sir Steve Redgrave statue, Higginson Park
Pound Lane,
Abigail Ashford on 020 7042 0332
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Middlesborough
Middlesborough / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Stewart Park
Captain Cooks Museum
Clare Yates and Jo on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Move Your Way Against Cancer Support Group - Manchester Worsley Woods
Monton / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Worsley Woods Park Run
Parrin Lane, Dukes Drive Car Park
M30 8AR
Kirsty Rowlinson-Groves, Joanne Shaw, Lisa Cooper on 07835966916
Opening Times
The last Saturday of every month
Catchment Area
Manchester Worsley Woods

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Newcastle
Newcastle / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Community Centre,
Rising Sun Country Park
NE12 9SS
Jenny Smith and Catherine Evans on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Northampton
Northamptonshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Basketball court, The Racecourse
Kettering Road, Northampton
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Nottingham
Nottingham / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Pavillion, Forest Recreation Ground
Lizzie Paddock and Tony Judge on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Oldham
Oldham / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Alexandra Park
Kings Road
Anna Shiels, Joanne Taylor on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Move Charity in Oxfordshire

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Oxford
Oxfordshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
San Remo Cafe, Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bicester
Oxfordshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: "A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bridge over the brook, Langford village park
OX26 6SX
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Penrith
Penrith / 5kyourway.org_www.facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Frenchfield Sports Centre
CA11 8UU
Shiona Anderton and Sarah Newby on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Move Your Way Against Cancer Support Group - Preston
Preston / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Avenham and Miller Parks
Rachel Glascott, Martin Bond, Catherine Mitchell, Terry Laing on 07835966916
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Sheffield Hallam
Sheffield Hallam / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Cafe, Endcliffe Park
Hunters Bar
Sheffield Hallam
S11 8TA
Helen Quirk and Rebecca Robinson on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Sheffield Hallam

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Shrewsbury
Shropshire / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
The Quarry, The bandstand in the Quarry park
Sarah, Miles, Amy, Sharon and Cath on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Bath Skyline
Somerset / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Free Fields,
North Road
Claverton Down Road
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Southwark
Southwark / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Southwark Park, Gomm Road
SE16 2ET
Carolyn Garritt on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Stafford
Stafford / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Isabel Trail
Doxey Road
ST16 2TF
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Move Your Way Against Cancer Support Group - Newcastle under Lyme
Stoke / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Car Park, The Wammy
Lower Milehouse Road,
Newcastle Under Lyme
Clair Turner, Paul Colley, Sarah Dyde on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Newcastle Under Lyme
Move Charity in Surrey

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Woking
Surrey / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Bandstand, Woking Park, Kingfield Road
GU22 9BA
Annette Covey on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Reigate
Surrey / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Priory Park, Bell Street
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group- Frimley Lodge Park
Surrey / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Frimley Lodge Park, Sturt Road
Pavillion, Frimley Green
GU16 6HY
Georgie Freeman on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Longrun Meadow,Taunton
Taunton / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Longrun Meadow,
between The Castle School and French Weir Park,
Naman, Katie, Shannon, Alex and Jodie on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

5k Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Tunbridge Wells
Tunbridge Wells / facebook.com
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Dunorlan Park, in front of the cafe in Dunorlan Park
Pembury Road
Tunbridge Wells
Lindsay Holmwood and Richard Thomas on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Turnbridge Wells

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Leamington Spa
Warwickshire / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome.
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Befriending Bereavement support Complementary therapies Information Look Good, Feel Better Other services Outreach Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Football Pavillion,
Newbold Comyn
Newbold Terrace East
Leamington Spa
CV32 4EW
Louise Roberts, Rebecca Wass, Jo Fleming on 07835966916
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area
Leamington Spa

5K Your Way Move Against Cancer Support Group - Wilmslow
Wilmslow / 5kyourway.org
A community-based initiative to encourage those living with and beyond cancer, to walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer at a local 5k Your Way parkrun event on the last Saturday of every month, followed by a cuppa and a chat. All ages and abilities welcome
This initiative is for people living with and beyond cancer, family, friends, carers and healthcare professionals.
Services: Befriending, Bereavement support, Complementary therapies, InformationLook Good, Feel Better, Other services, Outreach, Self Help & Support Groups, Signposting to other services, User groups, Volunteering activities
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tennis courts
The Carrs Park
Tony Collier and Sara Harris on 0779875235
Opening Times
Last Saturday of the month at 9am
Catchment Area

Paddlers for Life
paddlersforlife.co.ukTo relieve sickness and protect and preserve good health for persons facing cancer, in particular but not exclusively breast cancer, or persons in need of rehabilitation as a result of such illness, within Cumbria and Lancashire, by providing or assisting in the provision for physical activity and recreation, notably dragon boating.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Paddlers for Life Windermere
Windermere / paddlersforlife.co.uk
Paddlers for Life Windermere is a charity which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of anyone who has an experience of cancer, especially breat cancer, through physical activity and the sport of dragon boating on Lake Windermere.They offer support and friendship in Cumbria and Lancashire, together with family and friends. They paddle between Easter and October from the Low Wood Marina between Windermere and Ambleside. NB Support and many online activities are also offered during the Winter/off water season. Please get in touch for full details.
Please join us for keeping fit, having fun and making new friends in beautiful surroundings.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise
Please get in touch for venue information
LA22 9BD
Rowena Pryor on 07547373591
Catchment Area
Cumbria & Lancashire

Paul’s Cancer Support Centre
pauls.org.ukWe are here to help people affected by cancer, their families, and anyone who supports them, from our centre in Battersea and through our Home Visiting Service.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.

Paul's Cancer Support Centre
London / pauls.org.uk
Paul’s Centre provides a range of services for people affected by cancer, their family and friends. Our services can be used at any stage – from diagnosis and beyond. We offer each person an initial appointment with a member of our support team which aims to: to understand their experience of cancer (including as a family member or friend of someone with cancer); explain our services in more detail and help them to decide which services would be most suitable for them. Our Centre is wheelchair accessible.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Support Group Yoga
20 – 22 York Road
SW11 3QA
Support Team on 020 7924 3924
Opening Times
Monday - Friday 10am -1pm and 2pm - 5pmfor telephone calls only.

Pink Ribbon Pilates
pinkribbonpilates.infoPink Ribbon Pilates is adapted to all treatments and stages of breast cancer which means this keep fit class is perfect for women who want to be active, moving and motivated whatever their stage of breast cancer survivorship.
Tagged Exercise
For more details, select a location above.
Pink Ribbon Pilates in Kent

Yoga for Cancer
Kent / pinkribbonpilates.info
Yoga For Cancer - Free Yoga Class for those living with cancer. Every Tuesday, 3 to 4pm at Repton Connect Community Centre, Repton Avenue, Ashford Kent TN23 3RX The transformative nature of yoga, like cancer, changes your life forever. Through it we learn balance, harmony, breath, and how to be peaceful, strong, mobile and flexible. An effective, safe yoga class taught by a Level 4 Cancer and Exercise Rehabilitation specialist and certified yoga instructor.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise
Repton Connect Community Centre
Repton Avenue
TN23 3RX
Jan Browman Barnes on Not applicable
Catchment Area
Ashford Kent and surrounding area

Pink Ribbon Pilates
Kent / pinkribbonpilates.info
Come and join us for Pink Ribbon Pilates to exercise, stay strong and make some new friends. Pink Ribbon Pilates is adapted to all treatments and stages of breast cancer which means this safe, effective whole-body workout class is perfect for women who want to be active, moving and motivated whatever their stage of breast cancer survivorship.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise
Repton Connect Community Centre
Repton Ave
TN23 3RX
Jan Browman Barnes on 07342 956678
Catchment Area
Kent – Ashford and surrounding area

Sea Change Retreats
seachangeretreats.orgSurf and wellbeing retreats supporting adults impacted by cancer, based in Newquay, Cornwall.
Our vision is to offer adults impacted by cancer, and their carers, a unique opportunity to strengthen their minds and bodies. Driven by research and consultation with cancer survivors, professionals in the field of oncology and clinical psychology, each element of the retreats aims to support wellbeing and recovery.
Set on the stunning Cornish coast where the ocean itself brings a sense of calm, participants are able to take time out for themselves, as well as connecting with others with similar experiences.
Founded by Dr Helen Reynolds, Clinical Psychologist, Dr Bhavna Oza, NHS Doctor and Dannie MacLennan, Project Coordinator, SeaChange Retreats bring together their passion for wellbeing, the ocean, and research-driven interventions.
All of the retreats are built around four key elements – surfing, yoga, mindfulness, and specialist workshops. Together these elements aim to strengthen and promote physical wellbeing and activity; develop emotional resilience and mental health; and build connections with others who share similar experiences.
Tagged Exercise
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Sea Change Retreats
Online / seachangeretreats.org
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Retreats Support Group Yoga

St Neots Acorn Support Group
acornsupportgroup.org.ukMutual support is at the heart of all that we do. When we are able to meet again the following is the norm for our meetings. During the morning refreshments are provided including a light lunch. We usually have two complementary therapists offering Reflexology, Reiki and Light massage. Occasionally we invite a speaker on a relevant topic. In addition we arrange social events during the year, which may include meals at Christmas and New Year, a summer BBQ, visits to local places of interest or theater trips.
Tagged Exercise
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St Neots Acorn Support Group
Huntingdon / acornsupportgroup.org.uk
Mutual support is at the heart of all that we do. When we are able to meet again the following is the norm for our meetings. During the morning refreshments are provided including a light lunch. We usually have 2 complementary therapists offering Reflexology, Reiki and Light massage. Occasionally we invite a speaker on a relevant topic. In addition we arrange social events during the year, which may include meals at Christmas and New Year, a summer BBQ, visits to local places of interest or theatre trips. We make a small charge for attendance, to cover some meeting costs but invite donations and a personal contribution towards the cost of outings.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Massage Support Group
c/o Spinney View, The Drive
PE28 0SX
Bernard Dable on 07522 925 648 (Text and answering service only)
Catchment Area
St Neots town and villages in the surrounding area

The Bike Network
instagram.comA UK charity supplying bicycles & cycling equipment to cancer patients, survivors & their direct family members to improve physical & mental health.
Tagged Exercise
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The Bike Network
Online / instagram.com
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Care Package Exercise

The Fountain Centre
fountaincentre.orgThe Fountain Centre was established in 1998 by three social/healthcare professionals Gail Maguire, Charlotte McDowell and Nicky Bracey, together with Monica Rowland, a supporter of the holistic approach.
Tagged Exercise
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The Fountain Centre
Surrey / fountaincentre.org
The Fountain Centre is an independant charity for cancer patients, their families and carers located in the St Luke’s cancer unit at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford. We offer advice, counselling and a huge range of complementary therapies, in a calming and relaxed atmosphere.
Services: Cancer Information materials
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Hairpieces Massage Support Group Yoga
The Fountain, St Luke’s Cancer Centre
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust Foundation,
Egerton Road
Anne Pike on 01483 406618
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm. Friday 9am to 4.30pm

The Lake Foundation
thelakefoundation.comA group providing support to African and African-Caribbean people affected by cancer. This is through, Befriending, Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Professional counselling and Support from Health Professionals.
The group is facilitated by a counsellor and brings together patients from an African and African-Caribbean background in an informal, friendly and confidential setting where attendees can share their experiences and support each other through the challenges of living with and beyond cancer.
Tagged Exercise
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African and African-Caribbean Cancer Support Group
London / thelakefoundation.com
A group providing support to African and African-Caribbean people affected by cancer. This is through, Befriending, Bereavement support, Cancer information materials, Counselling, Information, Professional counselling and Support from Health Professionals.
The group is facilitated by a counselor and brings together patients from an African and African-Caribbean background in an informal, friendly and confidential setting where attendees can share their experiences and support each other through the challenges of living with and beyond cancer.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Support Group
The Lake Foundation, Kemp House,
152 City Road
Abi Begho on +1 869 765 8702 (Anytime )
Catchment Area

The Puffin Pool
puffinpool.co.ukThe Puffin Pool is a charity dedicated to providing assessment and treatment for adults of all ages and children in the Highlands. We provide specialist therapy in our super warm, modern, well equipped facility in Dingwall. The facility is heated using 'green' energy is staffed by qualified lifeguards. User assessments are carried out by professional physiotherapists experienced in hydrotherapy.
Tagged Exercise
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The Puffin Hydrotherapy Pool
Dingwall / puffinpool.co.uk
The Puffin Pool is a charity dedicated to providing assessment and treatment for adults of all ages and children in the Highlands. We provide specialist therapy in our super warm, modern, well equipped facility in Dingwall. The facility is heated using 'green' energy is staffed by qualified lifeguards. User assessments are carried out by professional physiotherapists experienced in hydrotherapy.
Hydrotherapy is recommended by doctors and physiotherapists to speed up rehabilitation after injuries and operations and as part of self-care for painful long term conditions. If you have a painful or disabling condition affecting your joints, bones, muscles or neurological system, hydrotherapy might help.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Hydrotherapy Pool Rehabilitation
The Puffin Hydrotherapy Pool
Ferry Road
IV15 9QS
01349 864414

The Sara Lee Trust
saraleetrust.orgSupporting people affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Hastings and Rother
Tagged Exercise
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The Sara Lee Trust
Bexhill on Sea / saraleetrust.org
Supporting people affected by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in Hastings and Rother
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Exercise Massage Support Group
54 Ninfield Road
St Leonards on Sea
Bexhill on Sea
TN39 5BD

Tottenham Hotspur Foundation
tottenhamhotspur.comThe Foundation’s Health & Wellbeing team develops programmes that improve physical health and mental wellbeing for people living in our local communities.
Tagged Exercise
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Barnet / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138

Camden / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138

Haringey / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
Tottenham Green Leisure centre
Haringey and Southbury Leisure Centre
N15 4JA
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138
Catchment Area
Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington and Haringey

Islington / tottenhamhotspur.com
Move4You with Tottenham Hotspur Foundation offers a 12-session guided physical activity programme across Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington to anyone over 18 who has had a cancer diagnosis in the last 5 years. The programme caters to all abilities and will help you get and stay active. Our professionals really understand cancer and can create a physical activity programme just for you, as well as giving you ongoing support. We deliver one-to-one small group exercise classes where the instructors can develop close relationships with the patient and signpost to other local activities. Taking part in physical activity during and after cancer treatment can play a huge part in enabling a person to take back control and build up their confidence. It can help prevent and manage some of the effects of treatment, such as fatigue, depression, muscle wasting and risks to your heart health.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Disability Exercise
N19 5NF
Katrina Heal on 0208 365 5138
Catchment Area
Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Islington and Haringey

Vicky Fox Yoga
vickyfox-yoga.comVicky is registered with the Yoga Alliance as a senior registered yoga teacher and teacher trainer, teaches at triyoga in Camden, Ealing and Chelsea, and Paul’s Cancer Support Centre. She is also teaches applied anatomy on Julie Montagu’s and Carolyn Cowan’s teacher training course and has an extensive private client base.
In 2013 Vicky studied with Laura Kupperman on her “Yoga for Survivors” teacher training course and is now teaching yoga to cancer patients at any stage of their recovery. The classes are designed to provide a safe refuge to come and practice yoga, to build strength, increase range of motion and reduce stress. The classes should help you sleep better, feel less fatigued and enjoy a better quality of life.
Vicky runs a Teaching Yoga To Those Diagnosed with Cancer training so that more teachers can feel supported to teach these wonderful and supportive classes.
Tagged Exercise
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Vicky Fox Yoga
Online / vickyfox-yoga.com
Walk with Sue
facebook.comI’ve set this group up to raise awareness of the benefits that walking has on mental and physical health. For those of you who don’t know me I’ve had a few wee ups and downs with my health over the last couple of years. Like many others, I’ve had to shield during Covid and as soon as I was allowed out I took up walking and can’t believe the improvement it’s made to my well-being .
The group is open to anybody who likes a bit of fresh air, would like to share their favourite walks and generally help encourage each as a group to stay positive and keep on track.
Tagged Exercise
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Online / facebook.com
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Support Group

Wave Walkers
wavewalkers.co.ukWave Walkers provides a welcoming and enjoyable environment of regular physical activity for cancer survivors and those affected by cancer in and around London.
Tagged Exercise
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Wave Walkers
London / wavewalkers.co.uk
WaveWalkers is London’s first dragon boat team for people affected by cancer. Some of us have cancer. Some of us have had cancer. Some of us support or have supported people with cancer. We are a friendly, social, and supportive group. We enjoy the water and, in the process, get fit and active. .Exercise is good for everyone and dragon boating is especially good if you have had breast surgery. We offer: fun, confidence building, exercise, the chance to participate in local, national and international festivals and to be part of a caring understanding community.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Exercise Support Group
Royal Adventure Docks
1012 Dockside Road
E16 2QD
Deryn Howard on 07525 131436 (evenings only) or Jackie Spiby 07917077975
Catchment Area
London and the South East

Wessex Cancer Trust
wessexcancer.org.ukEvery year around 23,000 people are diagnosed with cancer within the Wessex region. A diagnosis can be a shock and have a huge impact on an entire family. Wessex Cancer Trust helps and supports anyone affected by cancer regardless of age, gender or type of cancer. Our dedicated team are committed to offering free support for as long as people need it, away from a hospital environment.
Tagged Exercise
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Wessex Cancer Trust - Bournemouth Cancer Support Centre
Bournemouth / wessexcancer.org.uk
At all of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
Bourne House
23 Hinton Road
Steffi Colbert on 01202 315824

Wessex Cancer Trust - Chandler's Ford Cancer Support Centre
Eastleigh / wessexcancer.org.uk
At all of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
91-95 Winchester Road
Chandler’s Ford
SO53 2GG
Jane Wooton on 023 8051 6576
Opening Times
Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm

Wessex Cancer Trust - Waterside Cancer Support Centre
Hythe / wessexcancer.org.uk
The team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence.
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
The Grove
25 St John's Street
SO45 6BZ
Telephone on 023 8178 0409
Opening Times
Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm

Wessex Cancer Trust - Isle of Wight Cancer Support Centre
Isle of Wight / wessexcancer.org.uk
All of their free Cancer Support Centres, clients are welcomed by their volunteer befrienders who are equipped to provide information, support and a listening ear. Their team of specialist counsellors are there to help deal with the emotional impact of cancer and their complementary therapists aim to improve well-being, help with pain management and increase self-confidence. As well as offering hypnotherapy and events the centres offers advice on travel options and costs if you need to cross the Solent for treatment and free mainland transport for cancer treatment appointments in Southampton and Portsmouth.
Services: Befriending Cancer information materials Complementary therapies Counselling Information Other services Self Help & Support Groups Signposting to other services User groups Volunteering activities
Category: Information & Support Centres
Tagged: Choir Education & Information Exercise Hospital Transport Service Support Group
21 Lugley Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 5HD
Telephone on 01983 524186
Opening Times
Tuesday – Friday 10am – 2pm

WOLO Foundation
wolofoundation.orgHelping Families Affected By Cancer
Tagged Exercise
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WOLO Foundation
Sussex / wolofoundation.org
Wolo Foundation help families living in Sussex through their cancer journeys. They support them by offering practical help and support to make their day-to-day lives easier. They work with local businesses and communities to offer families a wealth of services to support them through their diagnosis, treatment and beyond.
Category: Practical Help & Support Groups
Tagged: Bereavement Support Exercise Financial Support Support Group
Catchment Area